coffeeisbliss's Diaries
Print Story July 8 Volcano Day 1,
By CoffeeisBliss (Fri Jul 10, 2009 at 11:46:06 AM EST) (all tags)
Today we woke, I did yoga and we got quickly out so we could get  to the volcano.  It was raining quite hard a good part of the way making it a bit concerning if we would be able to  hike the crater.

(1027 words in story) Full Story

Print Story Rolled in Salt
By CoffeeisBliss (Thu Apr 16, 2009 at 08:50:32 PM EST) (all tags)

My freinds say it is time to love again. They complain to me over and over about how they hate seeing me all alone that I should get back into the game of life and date around awhile. My dearest friend Sarah keeps nagging me when are you going to get on with it already. She fails to understand the pain of being crushed to you core in your feelings and how maybe just maybe it is better to be alone than hurt once more.

(18 comments, 1025 words in story) Full Story